Paintings in oil by Linda Lucas Hardy - The original title of this blog was, "Little Gems From Triple "A" Gallery". I decided to change the name.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
My studio's new look...
It's been so long since I've posted anything on this blog you are probably wondering what happened to me. It all started when I said I wanted to replace the floor in my studio. You know how one thing leads to another. Before the floor could be redone I was told the ceiling should be painted and the walls, then the floor...
So in early November I moved everything out of here. Let me tell you, I knew ahead of time that I had a lot of stuff but I was still amazed at the amount of stuff I had. The worst thing was it had no place to go where it would be organized. You know how it is, you put it somewhere then you can't find anything or it's buried under tons of other stuff. In order to get to something I had to move something, then if I wanted out of the room, of course I wanted out of the room, I had to move things back. Before I knew it, it was Christmas. That was not a problem. The problem was my husband and I got sick over the Holidays. Sick enough so that it took about six weeks before we were better. During that time John worked on the studio some but the going was slow. After I felt a little better I made a concerted effort to get back in here but everything had changed. I didn't have a clue where to put anything, further more thinking about where to put it took a lot of effort and a lot of time.
As you can see I finally did find a place for everything and I could put my hand on anything except for my trash bags. I looked everywhere for days but could not find them so I gave up and bought more. Yep, you know it, as soon as I used one I found where I'd put them.
At last everything has a home and I am delighted with the results. I absolutely love to be in this room. Hope you like it too...
As you can see, this is where I keep my magazines, props and colored pencils. I bought the Prismacolor display case when an art store in the DFW area was going out of business. It sure has come in handy.
My oils are in those cute, ice blue ,filing cabinets. They come in four or five colors but I picked that color because, well because I liked the color. I was also concerned that red or green would somehow reflect color in the room. Anyway, I found them at the Container Store in Plano. They would also be great for storing colored pencils.
This is my office space. The photo below shows where I spend a lot of my time, at my drawing table.
My drawing table is solid wood. It originally belonged to a Jr College. I bought it at an antique store in Gilmer, Tx years ago. The store was closing for the day and they did not want to move it back inside. I think I paid $10 for it. The top of the table raises to about a 45 degree angle. I work on a drawing boards so I can turn the picture upside down, sideways and any other way I can get to it to work more comfortably. You can see two of them in the upper right hand corner of the picture.
Hi Linda, I am so glad you and your husband have recovered from illness, and that your studio is complete... wahoo! And just so you know, I have a major case of studio envy right now which I will probably have to have a luscious dessert just to begin to get over! I am looking forward to seeing some of the beautiful creations you will bring to life in this new and beautiful environment!
Wonderful studio! Don't know how I found you, but your work in awesome! I went through every artist you have listed as well. I know what I what to be when I grow up!
Wow - just checking in Linda, and love your new studio. AND I LOVE the title of your oil painting blog, and wish I'd thought of it first! Hope to see you in Atlanta.
I decided to change the name of my blog from “Little Gems” to ‘travels to the edge’. Why not? There’s more security being on the edge than there is walking a tightrope, wouldn’t you say? So being on the edge is where I am and where I plan to stay. You may wonder what that has to do with anything. If you do not know for the last 17 years I’ve been working in colored pencil & I’ve been very successful. I actually thrived on the control I got from a pencil, so getting used to a brush proved challenging. But I wanted to paint & that meant leaving my comfort zone & my area of expertise. Some say it’s good when you do that but I must admit, for a while, I was on shaky ground. Nevertheless I’d made up my mind &I was determined. I’ve been painting now since January & I’m relaxing more every day. I’m learning what works but especially what does not work. I hate dumb mistakes but I’ve found them to be excellent teachers. Anyway, everything in art is a challenge because it’s basically problem solving. We don’t ever have all the problems solved no matter what medium we work in. It sure can make life interesting though when you move away from the one you know the most about.
Hi Linda,
I am so glad you and your husband have recovered from illness, and that your studio is complete... wahoo! And just so you know, I have a major case of studio envy right now which I will probably have to have a luscious dessert just to begin to get over! I am looking forward to seeing some of the beautiful creations you will bring to life in this new and beautiful environment!
Great studio, Linda. Thanks for sharing the photos. It's always fun to see how other artists organize their lives.
Wonderful studio! Don't know how I found you, but your work in awesome! I went through every artist you have listed as well. I know what I what to be when I grow up!
Wow - just checking in Linda, and love your new studio. AND I LOVE the title of your oil painting blog, and wish I'd thought of it first! Hope to see you in Atlanta.
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