Monday, March 24, 2008

"Three of a Kind" ~ 6" x 8" - SOLD


Pablo VillicaƱa Lara said...

I'm going bananas for this painting! You've really embraced oil painting! or it's embraced you!
This is beautiful!

Linda Lucas Hardy said...

Thank you Pablo. I am kind of getting the hang of it. I'm working on a larger piece now which is a different kind of challenge but I'm happy to say it's going well.

Jelaine Faunce said...

I love how bananas always have so much more color in them than we tend to notice. I adore painting them because of this. You have captured their multi-color glow so well, and what incredible chiaroscuro!! This is excellent. So totally excellent.

Alvin Richard said...

Beautifully executed. What a beautiful mariage of colors on these bananas, and one that appears the least is actually yellow, great drama!

General Contractors San Jose said...

Much appreciate you sharing this