Thursday, November 22, 2007

"Little Dish..." ~ SOLD


Emm said...

Sensitive yet rich, delicious color, looks like you are transitioning beautifully from colored pencil to paint!

Linda Lucas Hardy said...

Thank you Marcia. I love art, I love colored pencil...I'm driven to paint, I want to paint so I'm anticipating the time when I ((love)) to paint...I'm working it out in my head...what I mean by that is, I'm not exactly sure how I want my paintings to look. Once I see it, I'll go from there.

Anyway thanks for visiting and for leaving a comment.


Alvin Richard said...

Hi Linda,
This is the first time that I visit your blog, and was pleasantly surprise to find my own link on it. I have to say that I first discovered your web site about two years ago, and your colored pencil artwork has left me in awe and have found your imagery very inspiring as a visual person. The saran wrap, the plastic bags, the wonderful light and constrasts in your still lifes are a thing of wonder. You are a master really, one of the very best in the world. Your oil painting are equally beautiful. It was also through your web site that I discovered the link to Neil Hollingsworth, and from there I discovered the Blogging world. So everything in some capacity all goes back to you. Continued success, I'm a big fan!!! I have added your blog link to my own.

Linda Lucas Hardy said...

That is totally amazing Alvin! So how did you find my blog? I haven't put it anywhere...

Obviously I admire your work too since I linked your blog to mine. It makes you think the world really isn't that big after all.

And thanks for posting. I really do appreciate the compliments. Continued success to you too.


Alvin Richard said...

Hi Linda,
You left a comment on Karin Jurick's blog and I clicked on your name.