Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"Mid-Summer Beauties" - Oil - 12" x 9"

I'm really excited about this one. The shadows were a challenge but a lot of fun to do because of the many colors. I created them with a series of transparent glazes which I felt would keep them from looking heavy. The shadow from the basket photographed lighter than it it really is. I did some tweaking but still did not get it right so I guess I'll be taking more pictures.

Anyway, I think this is my favorite piece. I did paint over my name though. I'd signed in the upper right hand corner but, after seeing it on the computer, didn't like the way it looked which means I'm going to have to sign it again...somewhere more pleasing.

If you are interested in purchasing this piece please contact Southwest Gallery - 4500 SIGMA at Welch - Dallas, Texas 75244 - 972.960.8935- 800.272.9910

Friday, August 8, 2008

A couple of quotes by Rainer Maria Rilke

1. Always trust yourself and your own feelings, as opposed to arguments and discussions. If it turns out that you are wrong, then the natural growth of your inner life will eventually guide you to other insights. Allow your judgments a silent, undisturbed development, which, like all progress, must come from deep within and cannot be forced or hastened. Everything is gestation and then birthing. To let each impression and each embryo of a feeling come to completion, entirely in itself, in the dark, in the unsayable, the unconscious, beyond the reach of one's own understanding, and with deep humility and patience to wait for the hour when a new clarity is born: this is what it means to live as an artist."

2. Believe that with your feelings and your work you are taking part in the greatest; the more strongly you cultivate this belief, the more will reality and the world go forth from it.

Have a really great day!

Monday, August 4, 2008

"Lost In a Dream" - 9" x 12"

I cannot believe how long it takes me to do a painting. I was sure I'd have these finished weeks ago. It's not that I haven't been working on them, the problem is getting them exactly like I want them. Anyway, hooray! I've finished two! I guess you can tell I love the dramatic.

I will not be offering these on Ebay. I plan to enter this one in a competition, the rest of them, when finished, will be going to Southwest Gallery.

"When I'm Blue" - 9" x 12"

Ah grapes...maybe grapes are not hard to paint but like everything else, I tend to make them difficult. Nevertheless I am happy with how this piece turned out. I'm especially pleased with the shadows.

If you are interested in purchasing this piece please contact Southwest Gallery - 4500 SIGMA at Welch - Dallas, Texas 75244 - 972.960.8935- 800.272.9910